Many Voltas AC dealers in Mohali and Chandigarh suggest that when you are about to install a brand-new air conditioner in your room, you should keep in mind a few things and not just its dimensions and main door placement. Read through this little post to understand what they could be and how to refrain from making some of the most common mistakes while installing and using an AC:
1. Oops! We Have The Wrong Size
This is the most disturbing mistake you could make because if you have the wrong size, and if you realise it while installing it, it could disrupt your entire routine and waste a lot more time than you could ever imagine. Measure the dimensions of your room and ask your dealer about the most suitable size for it.
2. Should I Run My AC Nonstop?
You should never run your AC nonstop. Let your air conditioner kick in for a few minutes at a time and switch it off the moment you feel that the room has become comfortable. This is going to help you prolong the life of the thermostat and your air conditioner is going to require fewer repairs over time.
3. Trying To Fix It Yourself
Never ever try to fix any problems with your air conditioner on your own. You are not an expert at it. Do get in touch with your nearest AC repair technician and ask them about what you should do in case you are facing any problem. If the problem is minute and fixable at home, well and good. If not, book their appointment right away.
4. Skipping Routine AC Maintenance
It is never advised to skip any of your AC maintenance routines ever. If you want to keep your air conditioner in good shape, make sure to get it cleaned and maintained regularly.
5. AC Filters, Who Needs To Clean Them?
As per the leading Hitachi AC dealers in Chandigarh and Mohali, it is an absolute necessity to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of your filters at all times. Do not forget to perform this little chore every now and then if you want to keep your air conditioner functioning properly. For everything else, feel free to get in touch with your nearest Voltas AC dealers in Mohali and Chandigarh.